This implies batman is able to go into bat debt
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This implies batman is able to go into bat debt
My man crossed his arms so hard he erased colour
Honestly this is a pretty cool game. Gameplays fun, the art is cool and the music is a banger.
One small nitpick that I have is that I feel the characters could use more unique stats, like one rare character could have a higher offense but lower defense compared to another rare character, maybe even some characters can gain more or less energy points per turn for a bit more variety. I'm not that bothered though, the current way is fine enough.
Either way, very solid game!
Tried having super varied stats, had to kinda reduce them because the imbalance was too great.
Thanks for the review!
This sounds like something straight out of the wii, it's awesome.
what if instead of devilman he was called uhmmmmmm awesomeman and he was really cool or something i dont know
What if devilman was called um freakman and instead of slaying demons with his bare hands he slayed his girlfriends vah jay jay with is bare cock
Wait if both of Archie's parents had hair then why is Archie bald? Is the world just cruel?
Umm… y’know I don’t have an explanation for that. Maybe his brother took all his hair away
She looks like the type of person to have a candle on a golden handle next to her bed
Yknow me, inventor of comedy, best friend of rice gum.
Age 18, Imma he Imma him
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Comedy University
Joined on 6/30/23